Welcome to the pages of the Czecho-Slovak Minimodel team. What will you find here? First was the Bucobox models (papercrafts) by Ľubomír Blichár and second the FDS models by František Kováčik, and as usual, created in the 1:100 scale. But now this is a much bigger Project together with Franta, Kamil, Tom and Pitris. Everything in the background with the incredible support of Vilo. Most paper models will be available for free download in PDF format. Since these paper models are not glued only in Czech Republic (Czechia) or Slovakia, we will introduce you to a few modellers from other regions in the world. Minimodel is not a common word and Minimodel team is not just a phrase. Minimodel is a concept that is currently known all over the world. The models are built in Tasmania, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, France, England and as far as Argentina, USA and Canada. The Minimodel team is the second family for us, for whom we live, work, we create, not only during our free time.
Yes, firefighters also have their day, it is May 4th, the feast of St. Florian, patron saint of firefighters. Models of firefighting equipment are also very popular among modellers, which you can find on websites from almost all authors.
The authors of the Bucobox and FDS models have managed to drive several hundreds if not thousands of kilometers in recent years and had the opportunity, thanks to the permission of the Presidium of the Fire and...
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- Written by Frenkye
Hello friends. This week, on Thursday, February 18, we reached exactly three years when, after long preparations, our Vilo (IT support) "started" a new website online. In those three years, a lot has happened on the website and at the same time the time has gone so fast. From the original project of three people, our site, with the help of other members of the minimodel team, has become a new online home for a growing number of minimodels that...
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- Written by Ľubo
Dear friends, Frenkye - FDS - Feriot recently took stock of his long-term collaboration with the Minimodel Team and an even longer history, when he was already involved in creating his own paper models. But as he wrote, in addition to the actual templates, there are also complete design works, when the model is already the last phase of the design of a completely new vehicle visualization of the author's design.
At one time in 2017, the...
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- Written by Ľubo
This year is 35 years since the creation of the "FDS model" and 15 years since the author of the FDS models began working with Minimodel and began creating paper models at a scale of 1:100 for the Minimodel.
During that time, a number of authorial models were created, currently the number is close to the number of 4,000 numbered models in the scale of 1:100, which will be gradually published on the website. In addition, during the 35 years of...
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- Written by Frenkye
It sounds almost unreal, but in the three years of its existence, we have 2,000 models published on the website. This is already quite a decent "pile" of models of various categories, from civilian, through fire, police, racing, or various machines and buildings. The website already publishes 12 model authors (BUCOBOX, FDS model, PTM, TRIPLE M, D_C Model, SCHROUB, TECHNIK, EAB, DARK TOWER, AMATER, ZMK, IMIS) and I guess more will be added.
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- Written by Frenkye
Dear friends, first of all we wish you all the best in the New Year. As you may have noticed, Frenkye discreetly released a special model for a special occasion, namely 15 years of Minimodel sites, ideas, friendships... Today we put together a gallery for you, as it looked gradually at Minimodel meetings since 2010, I must say that while browsing the albums, an incredible number of memories emerged, gradually it was Dvůr Králové, Prague, Znojmo...
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- Written by Ľubo
We are announcing a competition for the most beautiful mini-model of 2020. The nominations will be closed on 12/15/2020 and from 12/16/2020 we will launch a public vote, which will be terminated 12/31/2020. Everything will happen on this site, so watch it ...
- Models must be in 1:100 scale
- Models must be from authors LBS, Kopibox, MiRo, Triple M, Dark Tower, D_C Model, Technik, Schroub, EAB, Bucobox, FDS and "Amater - automatické...
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- Written by Vilo
Friends Modelers, time really flies very fast. We have Christmas here again, in many houses today, the light on the Christmas tree will shine and there will be presents under it. We have also prepared several gifts for you in the form of models.
The first big gift is a brand new author of the IMIS model. He has prepared several new bus models for you and an absolute novelty in the form of the Solaris Urbino bus model.
Another Christmas present...
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- Written by Frenkye
Advent is running at full speed and we are not idle either, even in the 50th week we have some news for you.
In addition to the fact that models in the Advent calendar are gradually appearing to us, we have prepared for you a smaller Saint Nicholas surprise in the form of the Dodge Charger R / T model from 1970 in the Nascar version.
Thanks to Frantisek Behounek and Kamil Stol , other models from Technik were uploaded to the web, so you can...
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- Written by Frenkye
Friends Modelers, we didn't even think about it and we have the beginning of Advent. You´ll find more news on the pages.
The first novelty are models from the next autor Schroub. The author is well known for creating models of the legendary Skoda 706 truck in various versions. Gradually in this category you will find different versions of trucks, trailers or semi-trailers.
Other new models can also be found in the FDS Model section, these are...
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- Written by Frenkye
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